
How to Overcome Rejection to Achieve Your Goals

Did you know not all worry is bad? That’s right! Some worry can actually be good for you. Sometimes it’s saying, “Hey, pay attention! There are some things you need to do to protect your health, your wealth, yourself, your family, your business.” When you feel worry brewing, instead of sitting there stewing, get up and start doing! When you’re feeling worried, ask yourself, “Is this worry prompting me to take action?” If it is, act. Sounds simple enough, right? The challenge is fear and worry often stop us from taking action. Has fear ever stopped… Read More

World’s Strangest Pick-Up Line

Give this sixty-second video a quick watch and tell me . . . Do you think this could possibly be the world’s strangest pick-up line? I’m quite certain that if someone had asked me the question my friend had been asked, I would not have assumed I was being hit on! I would have taken it personally because I was teased about my weight when I was a kid. In his book, Free to Change: Escape from the Forces that Keep You the Same, Matthew J. Taylor writes: “Young… Read More

The Science of Prayer

Can we talk about the science of prayer for a sec? In her book, Who Switched off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions, Dr. Caroline Leaf writes: “A growing body of scientific research confirms that prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health.” (Page 115) Think about that for a minute: Prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health! Prayer is a critical human spiritual activity. Millions of people in all cultures, races, and religions pray. Sometimes the answers I get… Read More

Three Strategies to Build Resilience in Tough Times

Are you ready for a good laugh? Here’s the FULL blooper reel from the recording of my online course. It’s pretty funny! I experienced so many emotions during those hours, days, and weekends of recording. I felt excited, frustrated, playful, confused, relieved, happy . . . you’ll see! Imagine if you could watch a recording of yourself during the past ten weeks! How many different emotions would you observe? Thankfully, this pandemic won’t last forever. As Robert Schuller said: “Tough times never last, but tough people do!” Here are three strategies to build resilience… Read More

Finding the Positive in Difficult Situations

In these challenging times it can be hard to manage our feelings and find the happiness in the every day. Jennifer Valentyne interviewed me on Global News this morning to find the positive in difficult situations. How can we be happy during this time of uncertainty? In talking about “finding happiness”, we need to expose the myth of happiness. The Happiness Myth: The myth is that we’re supposed to be happy all of the time; and, when we’re feeling unhappy it means something is wrong. The problem with this widely held belief is that it creates more… Read More

Inspiration and Strategies to Ease Financial Stress

In continuing this series of keeping calm in the pandemic, it’s important to talk about financial stress. With unemployment levels at an all-time high and businesses being shut down, millions of people are struggling to figure out how they’ll manage financially. There is hope! This particular message includes a story to inspire you and strategies to help you. First the story to inspire you . . . Last week, I was interviewed on The Morning Show to provide strategies to help parents reduce worry during the pandemic. Before the show, I asked moms and… Read More