
A Strategic Way to Make Difficult Decisions

Decisions, decisions. Did you know that one of the reasons people come to counselling or therapy is to get help making decisions? That fact is one of the many things I learned in my studies last year. (Cue the marching band! I am one step closer to earning my credentials to provide Addictions and Mental Health Counselling. Being a full-time student was more time intensive than I had anticipated; however, it was a great year of learning!) In my counselling course, I learned a system for making decisions that you will find helpful. A traditional pros and cons list can… Read More

9 Habits of Worry-Free Leaders

Today’s world is extremely chaotic. There are new challenges to face every day. The way we do business, how we socialize, and how we live continues to change rapidly. What I’m seeing as a Worry Management Expert is that because these changes are so rapid and profound, individuals at every level of business are stressed. Changes breed uncertainty and uncertainty creates fear. That fear is keeping people stuck. Whether you’re a leader of your company, organization, team, or family, you need to help model calm in the chaos. The following 9 Habits of Worry-Free Leaders act as strategies to remain… Read More

How To Talk With Your Kids About Christmas 2020

Is cancelling beloved holiday gatherings with family and friends weighing on your emotions? How do we reconcile the loss in ourselves and with our children? Worry Management Expert, Denise Marek, helps parents with those difficult conversations on The Morning Show. 1. Talk With Your Kids Sometimes we think we protect our children by sheltering them from what’s happening. But, kids are smart! They pick up on your stress and when left to imagine what’s wrong, it can cause them to worry. Talk with your kids. ⇒ Start the conversation now. You might not know… Read More

World’s Strangest Pick-Up Line

Give this sixty-second video a quick watch and tell me . . . Do you think this could possibly be the world’s strangest pick-up line? I’m quite certain that if someone had asked me the question my friend had been asked, I would not have assumed I was being hit on! I would have taken it personally because I was teased about my weight when I was a kid. In his book, Free to Change: Escape from the Forces that Keep You the Same, Matthew J. Taylor writes: “Young… Read More

Inspiration and Strategies to Ease Financial Stress

In continuing this series of keeping calm in the pandemic, it’s important to talk about financial stress. With unemployment levels at an all-time high and businesses being shut down, millions of people are struggling to figure out how they’ll manage financially. There is hope! This particular message includes a story to inspire you and strategies to help you. First the story to inspire you . . . Last week, I was interviewed on The Morning Show to provide strategies to help parents reduce worry during the pandemic. Before the show, I asked moms and… Read More

How to Calm Your Mind with Present-Moment Thinking

I was inspired to post this picture of me with my big 80’s hairstyle (look for it at the bottom of this post) after seeing Jennifer Valentyne’s 80’s hair picture on Instagram. (You rocked it Jenn!) Big hair blowing in the wind aside, did you notice the caption of the article? “13-year-old pulled friend from frozen Lake Simcoe” Yup, that was me! I fell through the ice when I was 13 years old. I had been playing on the ice of Lake Simcoe with two friends. I became bored and wandered off by myself. In an attempt to cure… Read More

Stay Encouraged. Victory is Coming Your Way!

Get this . . . Margaret Marek became a first-time mom at the age of 93! . . . and I thought I’d waited a long time for some of my dreams to happen! How does a 93-year-old woman become a mom? Well, at the age of 93, Margaret married Mel. Mel was an 89-year-old widower. On the day they were married, Margaret became a (step)mom to Mel’s two grown sons and a grandmother to his four grandchildren—which included my two daughters, Lindsay and Brianna. Her new sons and grandchildren visited, called, and sent her cards and flowers every Mother’s… Read More

A Christmas Miracle

I asked the woman behind the counter, “Are you ready for Christmas yet?” Even though I didn’t know this woman, she confided in me, “Well, I have twin 14-year-old boys and money is really tight this year. I let them know we’re going to have to wait until February to celebrate Christmas.” While driving home, I thought, “I wish there was something I could do to help.” Then I thought, “What are you talking about?! You can help her.” Money had been tight for me too that year but I still had enough to help her. That’s exactly what I… Read More

Answers to the Top Five Questions I’m Asked through Social Media and After Speaking Engagements

Can you guess which questions I’m most frequently asked through social media and after speaking engagements? Well, here they are: How do you get your teeth so white? How did you become a professional speaker? How old are you? How did you get your books published? Are you always this positive? I’m answering these questions here for two reasons: One, maybe you’ve wanted to ask me one, some, or all of these questions because you’re curious . . . in which case I’m happy to appease your curiosity! Two, maybe you’ve wanted to ask me one, some, or all of… Read More