
Put the Power of Influence to Work for You

What do these five things have in common: earthquakes, tornadoes, mudslides, volcanic eruptions, and in-laws? They’re all things over which we have no control. Some of the things we worry about—like natural disasters and other people—are beyond our control. Though they’re beyond our control, they’re not always beyond our influence. That which is beyond your control is not always beyond your influence. If you’re faced with an “uncontrollable” in your life right now, don’t give up. Instead, read the following three ways to influence the uncontrollable and come up with some creative actions you could take. Influence the… Read More

9 Habits of Worry-Free Leaders

Today’s world is extremely chaotic. There are new challenges to face every day. The way we do business, how we socialize, and how we live continues to change rapidly. What I’m seeing as a Worry Management Expert is that because these changes are so rapid and profound, individuals at every level of business are stressed. Changes breed uncertainty and uncertainty creates fear. That fear is keeping people stuck. Whether you’re a leader of your company, organization, team, or family, you need to help model calm in the chaos. The following 9 Habits of Worry-Free Leaders act as strategies to remain… Read More

How to Have a Great Attitude

Did you know your attitude is a choice? John C. Maxwell said, “Your attitude is a choice. If you desire to make your day a masterpiece, then you need to have a great attitude. If it’s not good now, you need to change it. Make the decision.” A decision is an action. The word “decide” comes from the Latin root decidere—meaning “to cut off from.” That means when you make a decision, you’re cutting off any other alternatives. For instance, when you decide to have an attitude of gratitude, it means you’re choosing to cut off—or stop looking for—all the… Read More

Transform Fear into Action

Mary Hemingway said, “Worry a little bit every day and in a lifetime you will lose a couple of years. If something is wrong, fix it if you can. But train yourself not to worry. Worry never fixes anything.” Isn’t that good advice? If something is wrong, fix it if you can. In other words, when you’re feeling worried, act to control the controllable. It sounds easy, but have you ever noticed how worry, doubt, and fear often stop people from taking action? Has the fear of failure ever stopped you from taking action? Have you ever been afraid of… Read More

How to Overcome Rejection to Achieve Your Goals

Did you know not all worry is bad? That’s right! Some worry can actually be good for you. Sometimes it’s saying, “Hey, pay attention! There are some things you need to do to protect your health, your wealth, yourself, your family, your business.” When you feel worry brewing, instead of sitting there stewing, get up and start doing! When you’re feeling worried, ask yourself, “Is this worry prompting me to take action?” If it is, act. Sounds simple enough, right? The challenge is fear and worry often stop us from taking action. Has fear ever stopped… Read More

Finding Ways to Innovate

We cannot change what this pandemic has done, but we can change ourselves by learning to adapt and move forward. Adapting to change helps you to enjoy less stress and more success in your work and in your life. “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” — Viktor Frankl In my business as an international speaker, I have given keynotes and training sessions around the globe in Canada, United States, Mexico, Australia, Aruba, and United Kingdom. I love travelling. I love being together with others and… Read More

Magnificent Works of Art Created During Turbulent Times

Did you know that William Shakespeare wrote King Lear while in quarantine from the bubonic plague? There’s more . . . In 1606, when the bubonic plague returned to England, wreaking havoc on Londoners, Shakespeare completed three of his greatest tragedies: King Lear, Macbeth, and even Antony and Cleopatra. Experts believe that Shakespeare completed Antony and Cleopatra in July of 1606 after the plague forced the closure of his venue, the Globe Theatre. That was over 400 years ago. Admittedly, Shakespeare, didn’t have the same distractions to occupy his mind that we have available today. Try picturing Shakespeare binge-watching Netflix, crushing it… Read More

A Cure for Boredom

Just when you were getting used to counting crickets . . . Businesses are gradually reopening and stay-at-home directives are being eased. This reopening can come with certain challenges and stresses. Rest assured, I’ll continue to send strategies to help you reduce worry and stress as we navigate through these next phases together. Until then . . . Let’s go back to what I said about “counting crickets.” Does anyone ever get used to that? I’m talking about boredom. Boredom. Can. Be. Painful. Can you relate? That’s precisely why . . . I went on a quest to find a… Read More

Finding the Strength to Carry On

One morning, I opened my emails and saw a message containing this subject line: “You’ve probably heard this lots of times but your book really has saved my life! Thank you!” Obviously, I was very curious. I opened that email first and here’s what I read: “Hello Denise, I recently discovered your book while trying to get my life back on track. I have just been through an extremely rough patch and I was worried about everything that was happening. I wouldn’t leave my bedroom, let alone the house, to… Read More

Reasons For Hope

If you’ve read Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning, you’ll know it to be a book about survival. Frankl miraculously survived the network of Nazi concentration and extermination camps. While there are numerous ideas in this book for changing a person’s life, the message that stands out for me today is that of hope. Frankl describes how prisoners died less from lack of food or medicine, than from a lack of hope and a lack of something to live for. He describes a particularly bad day in the camp. He knew encouragement was needed now more than ever. As the… Read More