
9 Habits of Worry-Free Leaders

Today’s world is extremely chaotic. There are new challenges to face every day. The way we do business, how we socialize, and how we live continues to change rapidly. What I’m seeing as a Worry Management Expert is that because these changes are so rapid and profound, individuals at every level of business are stressed. Changes breed uncertainty and uncertainty creates fear. That fear is keeping people stuck. Whether you’re a leader of your company, organization, team, or family, you need to help model calm in the chaos. The following 9 Habits of Worry-Free Leaders act as strategies to remain… Read More

How to Have a Great Attitude

Did you know your attitude is a choice? John C. Maxwell said, “Your attitude is a choice. If you desire to make your day a masterpiece, then you need to have a great attitude. If it’s not good now, you need to change it. Make the decision.” A decision is an action. The word “decide” comes from the Latin root decidere—meaning “to cut off from.” That means when you make a decision, you’re cutting off any other alternatives. For instance, when you decide to have an attitude of gratitude, it means you’re choosing to cut off—or stop looking for—all the… Read More

Do You Believe in Miracles? You Are Never Alone

*Trigger Warning: Grief, Loss This may seem like an unusual Christmas message. Yet, this is a story of hope. It’s a story of help in the midst of a storm. It’s a story to ease loneliness during a time that can be lonely for so many. It was the first snowfall of the winter and the day after I returned from a holiday in Disney World with my husband and two young daughters. It is a day I will never forget! The Driver We had booked a Disney “land and sea” vacation package. Three days at a Disney… Read More

The Science of Prayer

Can we talk about the science of prayer for a sec? In her book, Who Switched off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions, Dr. Caroline Leaf writes: “A growing body of scientific research confirms that prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health.” (Page 115) Think about that for a minute: Prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health! Prayer is a critical human spiritual activity. Millions of people in all cultures, races, and religions pray. Sometimes the answers I get… Read More

A Cure for Boredom

Just when you were getting used to counting crickets . . . Businesses are gradually reopening and stay-at-home directives are being eased. This reopening can come with certain challenges and stresses. Rest assured, I’ll continue to send strategies to help you reduce worry and stress as we navigate through these next phases together. Until then . . . Let’s go back to what I said about “counting crickets.” Does anyone ever get used to that? I’m talking about boredom. Boredom. Can. Be. Painful. Can you relate? That’s precisely why . . . I went on a quest to find a… Read More

Easing the Burden of Financial Worries During the Pandemic

David’s closing words ignited more peace and hope than I could have imagined! There were just about five minutes left in my online interview with Mortgage Agent, David Imler. I was live streaming the show and David’s image froze. Since we had already covered the strategies I’d promised viewers by this point, I decided it would be a good time to end the episode. Little did I know the best was yet to come . . . This episode focused on helping people to reduce their financial stress during the pandemic. To close the show,… Read More

Tips for Working Well at Home

Working from home is a new “normal” for many people. At first glance, working from home can seem like a luxury. Yet, it’s certainly no picnic and being productive is easier said than done. As a professional speaker and author, I’ve worked remotely for more than 20 years. Based on my experience, and what I’ve learned from others, I’ve found there are key things that need to be managed, avoided, and created in order to make working from home a success: There are distractions to manage . . . laundry, television, pets, kids, social media, and friends and family who… Read More

A Christmas Miracle

I asked the woman behind the counter, “Are you ready for Christmas yet?” Even though I didn’t know this woman, she confided in me, “Well, I have twin 14-year-old boys and money is really tight this year. I let them know we’re going to have to wait until February to celebrate Christmas.” While driving home, I thought, “I wish there was something I could do to help.” Then I thought, “What are you talking about?! You can help her.” Money had been tight for me too that year but I still had enough to help her. That’s exactly what I… Read More