
Failure is a Part of Creativity

I have failed many, many times. One of my failures was on stage in front of 250 people. It was the first day of my speaking career. A seminar company had hired me to present their workshop, Dealing with Difficult People, at conferences all across Canada. I landed this job after submitting a resume and a five-minute demonstration video. After watching the video, the woman in charge of hiring the trainers flew me to Colorado for an interview and hired me. I thanked her for the opportunity and asked, “Why did you hire me out of the hundreds of applicants?”… Read More

Keep CALM and Thrive on!

Join us on October 3, 7 to 9 PM, for a seminar hosted by Worry Management Expert and Award-Winning Speaker Denise Marek! In this seminar, you’ll: Discover the three cures to end “what if?” thinking. Learn a four-step process to eliminate toxic worry, develop self-confidence, and experience the incredible peace and happiness that comes from leaving worry behind you. Transform fear into action! You’ll leave the seminar with your personalized action plan to control those things within your control. There are also incredible door prizes, including a $100 Longo’s gift card and more! Come alone or bring a friend! Just… Read More

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression are on the Rise for Young Canadians

The number of young Canadians suffering from stress, anxiety, and depression is on the rise. “In one survey, about 14% of Canadian youth felt stressed on most days” (CMHA, 2014, para. 13). In addition, the Canadian Mental Health Association estimates that the total number of youth, ages 12 to 19, at risk of depression is 3.2 million (CMHA, 2023, para. 1). What are kids stressed most about? Children worry most about situations that require them to change or adapt. According to Medline Plus (2023), some of the top stressors for kids include: Negative thoughts about themselves Stress about grades or… Read More

Striving for Perfection Is the Biggest Mistake a Parent Can Make

Perfect parents may look incredibly happy, posting carefully curated pictures of their flawless children, immaculate homes, and model holidays on social media. However, when it comes to parenting perfectionism, looks are deceiving. Perfectionism is characterized by worries about making mistakes, concerns about what others think, and a sense of incongruence between the perfect version of oneself and one’s actual self (Lin & Szcygiel, 2021). Perfectionism in parenting erodes the bond between parent and child, sets children up for psychological disorders, and robs families of happiness for generations. While striving to be a perfect mother or father may seem harmless, it… Read More

Calm through Colouring on the Cancer Ward

“An oncology floor is a pretty stressful place, but I’d slide (the colouring sheet) onto the table, and within minutes, the parents would be colouring,” Darby said, “I remember one mother – her child was undergoing brain surgery in the next room – and she couldn’t believe how much (colouring) relaxed her” (Johnson, 2015). Colleen Darby became the “artist in residence” at the Women and Children’s Hospital of Buffalo oncology ward after discovering first-hand the calming effects of colouring. Darby had been diagnosed with cancer while pregnant, and one day her young daughter gave her a small break from all… Read More

How To Develop A Non-Judgmental Attitude To Live More Peacefully

Have you ever taken part in an auction? It can be quite exhilarating, especially if you really want the auction item. Imagine you are at an auction and have just have discovered the item up for grabs is a live sea turtle. Participants are bidding on the chance to destroy its beautiful, massive shell. Would you be excited to participate? I wasn’t. It was our first night on Turtle Island – a beautiful island in the South Pacific. My husband and I had joined 11 other vacationing couples for dinner on the beach. Right before dinner, we were told some… Read More

Five Ways to Become More Resilient

Times are not easy. How do we develop greater resilience to withstand adversity and bounce back from difficult life events? In a recent interview with Authority Magazine, I shared “Five Things You Can Do To Become More Resilient.” Here they are: #1: Choose the Right Attitude Daily Have you ever noticed the happiest and most successful people in life tend to have great attitudes? Each of us must make the decision to choose the right attitude daily. It’s not our circumstances that make us unhappy. It’s our attitude in our circumstances that makes us unhappy. Even in the middle… Read More

Make Your Day a Masterpiece by Taming Your Tongue

Have you ever stopped to listen to the way you talk to yourself? One day, I was dressed and ready to drive to the studio where I was the host of a TV morning show. Before driving to work I had to take the trash out to the curb for collection. At end of my driveway, I tripped and fell. I hit the pavement so hard that my hands and knees started to bleed. I went back into the house and began telling myself an entire story about how hard it was being a working mom and how tired I… Read More

How to Keep a Good Attitude When Dealing with Difficult People

Are you letting what other people do determine your attitude? Are you letting things upset you that don’t have to upset you? The other morning, I was approaching a red light with my right-turn indicator blinking. Suddenly, the man in the car behind me starts honking his horn angrily. I look in my rear-view mirror and I see this guy, furiously waving his arm, motioning for me to make the turn. I hadn’t even had the time to stop at the red light yet and make sure it was safe to proceed through the busy intersection! But, there he was,… Read More

Do You Think Attitudes Are Contagious?

Have you ever noticed the happiest and most successful people in life tend to have great attitudes? In his book, Make Today Count, John C. Maxwell tells a story about a 92-year-old woman who was moving into a nursing home: “Since she was legally blind and her husband of 70 years had passed away, the move was her only option. She waited in the lobby of the facility for a long time before finally being told that her room was ready. As she was escorted down the corridor, her attendant described the room, down to the curtains hung… Read More