
Finding Ways to Innovate

We cannot change what this pandemic has done, but we can change ourselves by learning to adapt and move forward. Adapting to change helps you to enjoy less stress and more success in your work and in your life. “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” — Viktor Frankl In my business as an international speaker, I have given keynotes and training sessions around the globe in Canada, United States, Mexico, Australia, Aruba, and United Kingdom. I love travelling. I love being together with others and… Read More

Five Steps to Control Your Thoughts . . . So Your Thoughts Don’t Control You!

I was dressed and ready to drive to the studio where I hosted a morning TV show. Before leaving the house, I had to take the trash to the curb for collection. As I neared the end of my driveway, I tripped and fell. I hit the pavement so hard that my hands and knees were bleeding. I went back into the house and, feeling sorry for myself, I was just about to cry. I thought, “Denise, you have a choice. You can choose to continue feeling sorry for yourself, or you can choose to make today the best day… Read More