When you plant a seed, it takes a while to see growth. The same is true in your life. Even when you can’t see any visible changes, where you continue to fertilize and water, an immense root system is developing. That magnificent root system will support your monumental growth. However, where you don’t see results as quickly as you’d like, you may feel like giving up.
This Asian Bamboo species could inspire you to keep moving forward. After five years of watering and fertilizing the seed of this particular species of bamboo, only a minuscule amount of growth appears above the ground. Five years! After those five years of watering and fertilizing, the plant suddenly begins to grow so fast that you can actually hear it growing. You can hear it because it’s growing at a rate of two and a half feet a day! After a period of about six weeks, it grows to 90 feet and higher.
Vic Johnson writes about this bamboo plant in his book, Day by Day with James Allen, and he poses this question:
Did the bamboo grow 90 feet in six weeks or did it grow 90 feet in five years?
The answer, of course, is: It grew 90 feet in five years.
Apply this to the seeds you’re planting in your life. At the beginning, it seems as if your efforts aren’t really making much of a difference. However, by consistently putting one foot in front of the other, one day you’ll be able to look back in amazement at how far you’ve actually come.
The key is to keep going–never give up! Continue to fertilize and water your dreams. Take consistent action and trust in your ability to succeed. Yes, there may be enormous obstacles on your path; but, you also have enormous power to overcome those obstacles. In fact, today, you’re stronger and wiser than you’ve ever been before. You’re 100% capable of staying the course.
If there is something you truly want for your life, today is the day to plant the seed. “Fertilize” and “water” it regularly. Continue to nurture that magnificent root system and prepare for your inevitable and monumental success!