
A Christmas Miracle

I asked the woman behind the counter, “Are you ready for Christmas yet?” Even though I didn’t know this woman, she confided in me, “Well, I have twin 14-year-old boys and money is really tight this year. I let them know we’re going to have to wait until February to celebrate Christmas.” While driving home, I thought, “I wish there was something I could do to help.” Then I thought, “What are you talking about?! You can help her.” Money had been tight for me too that year but I still had enough to help her. That’s exactly what I… Read More

Are We There Yet? A Cure for “Destination Impatience”

“Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” If you have children, you likely have first-hand experience with just how impatient they can be when it comes to traveling. Or perhaps you can remember the impatience you felt as a child during a long trip. Now that you’re all grown up, the big question is: Are you still impatient on the journey? Many of us have carried this “destination impatience” forward into adulthood. When we’re in school, we can’t wait to graduate. When we graduate, we can’t wait to work. When we work, we can’t wait to work somewhere else, find… Read More